EPHS Parent Advisory Council Meeting The Title I PAC will participate with the School Leadership Team (SLT) in the joint review, planning, and improvement of the school’s Title I program, and the development, revision and review of the parent and family engagement policy.
January Regents Prep Our Winter Tutoring Program will resume this week, with sessions scheduled in specific subjects to help prepare for the January Regents exams, which are required for graduation. Your child is expected to attend all or most of the tutoring sessions.
Queens North and South Parent Workshop Parent Workshop Series in Partnership with Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility, hosted by Queens South and North Superintendents
AP Exam fees At Excelsior Prep, all students scheduled for AP classes also take the AP Exam at no cost. Students who are (1) Absent, (2) Registers Late, or (3) Cancels, are responsible for those fees ...
MetroCard -> OMNY Card Schools will distribute OMNY cards this Fall 2024. This will allow eligible students to get to and from school and school-related activities for free—and ride for free on weekends and all year, too!
Winter Music Showcase You are cordially invited to the EPHS Jazz Ensemble's Winter Music Showcase, on Thursday December 19th at 5:30pm
Financial Aid Parent Workshop Parents and students with college aspirations will learn more about the financial aid process and create FSA ID's
Accessing DOE Grades Students in NYC DOE schools that are using the new NYC DOE Grades application will be able to view their courses, assignments, and assignment grades in TeachHub. Families view that information using the NYCSA portal. To access these new features, please follow the steps below.
Gym Uniforms and School Swag Physical Education is a required course, during your child's academic tenure in High School proper attire is required to engage. As a result we are requiring students to wear a gym uniform, and at the moment only a t-shirt is required. T-Shirts cost ...
2024-25 Majors Selection Programming has begun for the 2024-25 school year. All rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders must complete the Majors Selection Form by Wednesday June 26th. If you do not select a major, one will be chosen for you and you will NOT be able to change your major.