Hello Excelsior Parents and Guardians, tomorrow is Excelsior’s monthly PROSE day. Students will be working asynchronously from home; they will not be on campus. All teachers will be posting work to students Google Classrooms and work is to be completed by the end of each class period. Students should be following their class schedules. Teachers will also be taking attendance at the end of every class period, using the work submitted during class time.
PROSE is an acronym for Progressive Redesign Opportunity Schools for Excellence. Excelsior uses this day to analyze student data, and adjust our curriculum to be as specific as possible for student achievement. We identify our students strengths and weaknesses, and plan accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to attend our next PTA meeting and let’s have an open conversation.
Have a great day Excelsior family, remind your children that they have work to do and attendance will be taken.