12-15-22 Protest

Dear Springfield Gardens Community,

At approximately 9:15 today, students from our campus walked out of the building in protest of the proposed co-location of a Kindergarten through 4th grade Success Academy charter school. This action was planned by students and parents and was not sanctioned by the teachers or administrators of this campus. Consequently, students who missed classes because they joined the protest have been marked absent and will not be excused from assignments missed.

While we are happy to report that the walkout was peaceful and want to thank those parents who helped ensure our scholars' safety, we cannot condone the actions taken today as they put students' safety at risk. Instead, we encourage all who wish to make their voices heard on this very important matter to attend the Joint Public Hearing (JPH) for this proposal being held via teleconference on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 6 p.m. All community members will have the opportunity to share feedback about this proposal at the JPH. Additionally, feedback on this proposal can also be directed at any time to the NYCDOE’s Office of District Planning by phone at 212-374-7621 or via e-mail at [email protected].


Thank you for your continued support,


Rodney Orji, Principal of Excelsior Preparatory High School

Dr. Janice Sutton, Principal of George Washington Carver HS for the Science

Tashon Haywood, Principal of Queens Preparatory Academy

Charles Anderson, Principal of The Preparatory Academy for Writers