Excelsior's school year is divided into two semesters. Each semester is further divided into three Marking Periods, each Marking Period is approxamately 6 weeks. Semester 1 Marking Period 2 ended December 1st, this Report Card is reflective of your child's academic progress thus far.
Have not seen the MP2 Report Card?
You have 2 methods of fixing this problem:
(1) Use the NYCSA portal. There's information there on your child's grades, attendance, and more.
If you cannot access the portal, contact Mr. James { [email protected] } for assistance.
(2) Request a copy from your child's Guidance Counselor:
9th and 10th grades Guidance Counselor - Ms. Carter { [email protected] }
11th and 12th grades Guidance Counselor - Mrs. Johnson-Reid { [email protected] }